Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to give us a call or email us. We'd love to hear from you!

Become a Volunteer

Take action to prevent heart disease. Find out what you can do, at home, on the job, in your community and nationally to Speak Up about heart disease.

Volunteer w/ Go Red For Women 

Volunteers …

 ordinary people with extraordinary hearts.

They offer the gift of their time to teach,
to listen,
to help, to inspire,
to build, to grow, to learn.

They expect no pay,
yet the value of their work knows no limit.

They've known the unexpected joy
of a simple hug.

They've planted tiny seeds of love
in countless lives.

Volunteers are just ordinary people
who reach out
and take a hand
and together
make a difference
that lasts a lifetime.

General Inquiries

Kim Williams, Corporate Events Director
5375 SW 7th St
Topeka, KS  66606
Phone: 785-228-3435
Fax: 785-272-2425

Tammy Metzger, Go Red Assistant
8630 E 32nd Ct N
Wichita, KS  67226
Phone: 316-265-4238 x22
Fax: 316-265-1390


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Macys sponsors Go RedMerck sponsors Go Red

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